The Fourth of July last year was a magical delight. I met up with Caroline and Jayden Lee, Robert Ingram, Jake Kauffman, and Michael Newsted for lunch at Lake Michigan. Then I pulled costumes from my car (yes, I travel around the States with a van full of clothes) and we all dressed up to photograph and frolic in the Dunes. This is the easiest way to collaborate- no expectations, just fun and experimentation. Jake had brought some rockets and smoke bombs, so of course we incorporated those as well. The Sun was bright, and the tourists were nowhere to be seen, so we got a bit crazy...

Lest you think that these are clothed in exotic costumes, please remember that we are wearing my everyday clothes. Jayden and Caroline captured these images during our romp. Afterwards we returned to Caroline’s family lakehouse. The evening was spent on the shore with fireworks, and around a bonfire singing and strumming together into the wee hours of dawn. This was magical as well. Other that collaborative shoots, singing with friends is my very favorite pastime.

Be sure to check out more from:
Caroline and Jayden Lee, Robert Ingram, Jake Kauffman, and Michael Newsted
Jonathan Randall Grant // Culture Keeper

Ella Dallman for Zephyrlings!